Monday, July 9, 2012

Pisa Botanical gardens and the leaning tower

We really did dash round the last part of Pisa Botanical gardens. Behind the botanical school we discovered a mostly shady garden about the same size as the area we had just explored. Not having a map we nearly missed it completely. What a shame if we had because our first sighting of the leaning tower was through the leaves at the very back of the garden. Before we went to Pisa friends and family said "oh there's not much to see other than the tower". How wonderful that we stumbled upon this fantastic collection of plant life.


  1. Lovely ponds and the well looks great for a wish. Love the white trumpet shaped bloom. Can't work out it could be. Not Dature or Brugmansia. Any ideas?


  2. The full name on the label is "Dunalia Australis (Griseb.) Sleum. var. alba Coltivata". From the Solanaceae family. Planted in 2008. I remembered to photograph the name because I wondered what it was myself. I think it might be called mini angel's trumpet.


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